Tanzania 2013 - Videos

I've tried to make a few videos. Apologies that some are a bit jerky but hopefully I'll get better over time!

First a nice gentle one - a Mum and Daughter Cheetah giving each other a bath.
This Elephant was really close to the road. Not sure how he lost his tusk but he looked a bit lopsided when we saw him face on.
We saw a few Spotted Hyena while we were there. This one very kindly gave us a twirl before wandering off.
It was lovely to see these 3 Black Rhino wandering around the Ngorongoro Crater. We saw 6 in all but the others were too far away to get a good photo. This family consisted of a male, a female and a female calf. Rather a large calf and one that should probably have left home a while ago.
There were thousands of Wildebeest around together with their fragile looking calves. The calves were quite playful, jumping around etc but a lot of them got lost if they go separated from their mum (thankfully we didn't see any).
These Black Faced Vervet Monkeys were full of beans when we saw them in Lake Manyara National Park.
These four male Lions were lovely to watch. They all wanted to be in the same space so were jostling each other. We stayed with them quite a while.
It turned out that there was a pile of elephant dung that they were rolling about in. By the end they all looked a bit dirty but they seemed really happy.
From now on the clips include sex, violence and murder so please don't go past this point if you are of a nervous disposition.
Here we have a Mum cheetah and 2 Cubs just about to have a snack. The snack is a Thompson's Gazelle
A bit more gruesome now as two Cheetah brothers bring down a Wildebeest.
They worked really well as a team. No going for one of the new born calves for these two - they wanted a proper meal.

Finally, after bringing down the Wildebeest and suffocating it the Cheetah brothers get breakfast!

We decided to have our breakfast while we watched them - good job we're not squeamish.

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